Mystic Vale School of Learning, a high school for fairies in the land of Inframia, yearly organizes a school trip meant for students to acquire new knowledge about Inframia's history and culture. Every time, the location is different and this one is not the exception. Most of Mystic Vale's students find themselves excited when the announcement comes out with the news the they're being taken to Colored forest. No previous generation of high schoolers has had the privilege of going to such an important place for fairies, so these consider themselves lucky. Unfortunately, these are no good news for Sophia Shiloh once an incident that's happened in school makes her change her mind about going to the trip. She is forced by her parents to go, though, Demian Shiloh and Astoria Kalil, two of the richest habitants of Inframia. With her dad being a human descendant and her mom completely fairy, Sophia's features let almost everyone who sees her know she's half-human; round ears, light brown skin and no powers at all. Little does she know that, to finally win her place in Inframia and stand out on her own like she's always wished to, she'll have to unravel the mystery that surrounds Colored Forest and be able to complete a mysterious prophecy that not only includes her, but perhaps a whole generation of humans before her.