Evan Darrow is an ordinary 11 year old boy living in a quiet, unremarkable town, unaware of the magical world that exists just beyond his reach. That is, until the day he receives an unexpected letter. The letter invites him to attend BlackWood Academy, a hidden magical school where students train to harness their powers. Evan is shocked to discover that he is not only a wizard but also a rare "Keybearer"-someone chosen to unlock the secrets of a long-lost magical artifact, the Obsidian Key.
At Eryndor, Evan is introduced to a world full of enchantments, strange creatures, and rivalries. He quickly befriends three other students.
Together, they navigate the challenges of the school, from magical classes to mysterious events. But when a series of strange occurrences begin to plague the school-students disappearing, enchanted creatures running wild, and whispers of a dark figure lurking in the shadows-the group begins to suspect something much darker is at play.
As they dig deeper into the mystery, they discover that the Obsidian Key is linked to an ancient and powerful artifact called the Veilstone, which is said to have the ability to rewrite the laws of magic itself. However, the key's true purpose remains a mystery, and Evan must learn to harness its power before it falls into the wrong hands.
When a trusted professor is revealed to be plotting to use the Veilstone for their own dark ambitions, Evan and his friends must race against time to stop them. Along the way, they uncover hidden secrets about the school's past, face dangerous trials, and learn the importance of friendship, loyalty, and courage.
In the end, Evan discovers that the Obsidian Key is not just a key to unlock magic-it's a key to his own destiny. With the Veilstone's power still out of reach, Evan must make a choice: embrace his role as a Keybearer or risk losing everything to the darkness that threatens to consume the magical world.
[CH598+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's Power
147 parts Ongoing
147 parts
A story following a young hunter named Jay. He has grown up in a world where dungeons, monsters, and humans with leveling systems are a cultural norm. At the age of 20, he awakens a skill that allows him to steal the abilities of monsters. While others are stuck with a specific skill set, he continues to grow stronger after every battle.
Follow Jay's journey as he learns more about his unique situation in a world that's grown blind to the real dangers of modern-day dungeon diving.