in a small town where the hum of arcade machines blends with the rhythm of love and dreams, Roseanne and Jennie's journey unfolds in a heartwarming tale of romance, laughter, and resilience. From their serendipitous meeting at an arcade to their shared dreams and struggles, their love weathers every storm-be it Jennie's pursuit of her studies in a big city or the closure of the arcade that brought them together.
With the help of their hilariously chaotic best friends, Lisa and Jisoo, Roseanne and Jennie navigate the twists and turns of life, learning that love requires persistence, effort, and an occasional burst of spontaneity. As the years pass, their shared dreams come to life-a thriving arcade, a loving family.
Filled with tender moments, playful banter, and laugh-out-loud antics, "Arcade" is a romantic comedy that reminds us that love, much like an arcade game, takes courage, determination, and the willingness to keep playing-even when the tokens run low.