A fateful day changed the course of two lives, Jesse and Xala. Once brother and sister, now lived two completely different lives, under two opposing kingdoms. Though differentiated by their allegiances, unbeknownst to them, they still held a spot in each other's heart.
Since their defeat fourteen years ago, the Achaeans have been building up strength, and now they marched once more. They seek to kill their enemy and take back their lost territories. But more than that, they seek to make Darvur one again, under the rule of their current king, King Karl II.
A medieval themed fantasy with a touch of modernity, this novel dives into the story of a sibling that got separated in a tragedy. Years later, their siblinghood is to be tested. If this sounds interesting to you, then go ahead and walk right in!
P.S. this is the first novel that I'm writing, any constructive criticism is appreciated! ^^