In the bustling, chaotic household of the Muschiano family, Priscilla, the eldest daughter, has always been the quiet anchor, juggling the responsibilities of school and caring for her four younger sisters. From her adventurous, party-loving sister Sunday to her bookworm gymnast sister Via, Priscilla keeps her family grounded while sacrificing her own social life. Between the lively chaos of her sisters, the struggles of her cousin Xzavier, and the weight of her youngest sister Aurora's health battles, Priscilla faces the challenges of being the "second parent" in a family that never slows down.
This heartfelt, coming-of-age story explores the bonds of family, the pressures of growing up, and the sacrifices we make for those we love. As each sibling finds their own path, Priscilla must navigate her role as both protector and individual, learning that even amidst the noise, it's okay to let go, to grow, and to find her own happiness.