"Love Through Time" is a romantic Filipino short story that follows Darryle Argos, who unexpectedly finds himself transported to the past during a rare supermoon. In this mysterious era, he meets Maria Ronan, a spirited woman bound by the societal expectations of her time. As they grow closer, their bond transcends their different worlds, with Darryle longing to bring Maria to the freedom of the future, while she yearns for a life beyond her time's restrictions. Destiny, family tests their love, and Maria's arranged engagement to Jack, an American suitor. The story beautifully intertwines themes of love, sacrifice, and the struggle for self-determination.
I Become A Villainess In My Favorite Novel | COMPLETED√
39 parts Complete
39 parts
She was a famous murderer in the shadows. One day, a wealthy mayor wanted to eliminate a rival for his position. They offered her $1 million, so she agreed without any hesitation, but she didn't know that the mayor's enemy already knew about the plan. As soon as she opened the door, she was shot directly to her heart and died. She woke up in a new world and found out that she had been reincarnated into her favorite novel. But will she really become a villain in the novel?