I was only five years old, but the memories of my dad were etched in my heart like they were yesterday. Every day, he'd come home from work with a big smile on his face and a surprise in his hands. Sometimes it was a new toy, shiny and bright,
Other times, it was a bag of my favorite chips, crunchy and salty, that i'd devour in seconds. But no matter what the surprise was, it was always accompanied by a warm hug and a kiss on the forehead .That make you feel love
Whenever I felt scared, sad, or overwhelmed, he dad would wrap his arms around me in a tight hug. He'd hold ne close, whispering words of comfort in my ear, and making me feel safe and protected. Those hugs were the best feeling in the world, and I felt like nothing could ever hurt you as long as your dad is holding you.
My dad had a way of making me feel like I were the center of the universe. He'd listen to my stories, no matter how silly they were, and offer words of encouragement that made me feel like I could conquer anything.
As I grew older, I began to realize just how much my dad had sacrificed for me. He worked tirelessly to provide for my family, always putting others before himself. But despite the hardships, he never lost his sense of wonder, his infectious smile, or his love for me.
But one day, everything changed. I lost my dad, and my world was shattered into a million pieces.I felt lost, alone, and scared. The pain of his loss was overwhelming, and it felt like a part of you had been ripped away.
Even though the pain of losing him still lingers,I know that my dad will always be with me in spirit. I remember the way he made you laugh, the way he held my hand when i were scared, and the way he hugged me to give me comfort.
I know that my dad may be gone, but he'll never be forgotten. He was the best dad in the world, and I feel so lucky to have had him in your life. His love, his lessons, and his memory will stay with you forever, guiding and inspiring you every step of the way.