Fleeing a dying Earth, its core destabilized and incapable of sustaining life or resources, humanity has turned its eyes to the stars. Equipped with advanced faster-than-light technology, the Earth settlers venture into uncharted galaxies, seeking a new home, a new chance to survive. They find it on a planet rich with strange, giant plants and shimmering crystalline formations, but the world is far from empty.
The planet's atmosphere-alive with strange gases-creates crystalline growths on the rocks, rich with energy and power. These crystals, born from the falling stardust that rains from the skies, hold the potential to fuel entire civilizations. The air itself is toxic to outsiders, forcing the arrival of a dome-shielded city built by hybrid colonizers. These beings, part-human, part-native, settled on the planet centuries ago, using their superior technology to dominate and control what the planet has to offer.
The native species of the planet, evolved over millennia in its harsh, uninhabitable environment, are far stronger than any Earth colonist could imagine. Their bodies regenerate with astonishing speed, adapting perfectly to the planet's dangers. For them, the crystals are sacred-a spiritual connection to the planet itself, and they will do anything to protect their world from the greed of outsiders.
Cuando un niño de 10 años que se iba a mudado a Metrópolis, después del verano, por el descubre un reloj que lo convierte en 10 extraterrestres diferentes, ¡Se da cuenta de que es su boleto para unirse a la Liga de la Justicia!
¡Lo que no sabía era que estaba a punto de embarcarse en un camino que lo llevaría a convertirse en el héroe de los héroes!
¡Únete a Ben Tennyson, mientras forma equipo con los muchos héroes del Universo DC, mientras aprende a ser un verdadero héroe!