Bloodstone: Season 1 unfolds in the mystical realms of Elyria, where ancient kingdoms hold power, dark secrets simmer, and a fragile peace teeters on the edge of collapse. The story follows Kael Blackwood, a reluctant young king thrust into power, as he struggles with the burdens of leadership and the mysterious death of his father. Alongside him are the fearless Akira, a rogue swordsman, and Shin, a telepath gifted with extraordinary powers.
The once-united kingdoms unravel as ambition, betrayal, and dark magic come to the forefront. Aria Silvermist, a fierce warrior with an unyielding spirit, faces betrayal from within her own family, while Eira Emberfell and Cormac Nightshade grapple with their kingdoms' dangerous alliances. Meanwhile, Lysander Windsong, a cunning and power-hungry ruler, becomes obsessed with the legendary Bloodstone, a relic said to grant immortality and immense power, setting the stage for a devastating conflict.
As the kingdoms descend into chaos, loyalties are tested, secrets are unearthed, and a cataclysmic war erupts, leaving bloodshed and destruction in its wake. Amid the chaos, Kael must rise above his fears, confront his past, and harness untapped strength to face a world shattered by treachery and war.
With epic battles, complex characters, and twists that will leave you breathless, Bloodstone: Season 1 is a tale of survival, ambition, and the relentless pursuit of power in a world where darkness threatens to consume all.
Into the ashen night, of a billion stars, the serendipity of duality that is our shared existence, is both futility and eternal hope, the road that belongs to immortals.
𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 In which a desperate police officer brings his only support mechanism, his best friend and his partner to a deadly mission.
#1 junhoxreader 11.20. 21
(Hwang Jun-Ho x reader)
STARTED 10.18.21 ~ waiting for season 2