Jason Todd, who is a vigilante who goes by "Red Hood," Jason is a smart, cunning, highly skilled, and talented vigilante. Jason Todd is still technically battling against criminals and fighting to stop meances like the Joker, and though far more ruthless and brutal than most heroes.
He fell in love with a florist, her name is Syria. Syria is a polite and nice florist who likes to help her customers with the arrangement of flowers. She's also a caring and kind boss to her staff, treating them as equals.
Jason is described as having black hair, green eyes, 6'0 in height, muscular type build, and his personality is described as being cold-hearted, indifferent, detached, calculated, and cool/ phlegmatic.
Syria is described as having mostly brown hair with the front of her hair being a little bit lighter, brown hazel eyes, 5'6 in height, curvy type build, and her personality is described as being fair, open-minded, caring, understanding, and is described as a good listener.