The story follows YN a girl forced to live as a boy due to a traumatic past shaped by an abusive father and a protective grandmother. Raised under the guise of masculinity for safety, YN grows up strong yet emotionally distant. As an adult, YN is a secret agent, balancing a demanding career, familial responsibilities, and a turbulent personal life. After losing her best friend, Sam, who was like an elder sister, YN struggles with grief and guilt while caring for Sam's daughter, Mia, as her own.
In the present, YN reconnects with her estranged mother, uncovering painful truths about her childhood. Her mother's departure, driven by survival, reshapes YN's understanding of love and sacrifice. Gradually, YN begins to heal, bridging the emotional gap with her mother, stepfather, and stepbrothers (BTS). Despite her cold demeanor, YN's love for her family shines through as she steps into a maternal role for Mia and reconnects with her newfound family.
YN's secret mission as a professor at BTS's university adds layers of intrigue and humor, revealing her hidden charm and wit. The story blends emotional depth with lighthearted moments, exploring themes of identity, love, family, and healing as YN learns to embrace her true self and mend broken relationships while navigating a life full of complexities.
How can someone be this rude?
Ya she is cold asf!
Who do she thinks of herself as ?
I hate her from the core of my heart!
Not knew all girls are not same!
I'm gonna make her life a living hell!
She just ruined our happy family!
How tf she can talk freely without fear?
She is different!
Huh, just another gold digger!
I just wanna kick her out!
They think themselves as higher ups? Nah, they can make anyone kneel down but not me I'm not easy to handle. And yeah about making my life a living hell they should know that my birth place is only hell. And about kicking me out not even their so called step mother have the audacity to do! Cause I'M THE QUEEN!!!!
A/n - Hope u guys like my book! I'm a newbie but I think you are not gonna regret after reading it and yeah may some editings can be done and the updates are gonna be a bit slow
Love ya <333