"If god forgives me for what I have done, that is the day they will create a new era..."
A young man who was cursed by his own ideas and will. He really didn't love his life nor everyone who once with him. As he moved forward, his life will mocked him. So he stood up and strike back, only to be stabbed behind by his own ideas and wills.
Yet, he precious the ideas and the wills like his love...
He is the failure of creation and he knew that. Painful truth, but it's reality, he can't do anything to remove it. So he accepted it and moved on.
Life won't accept it, and it will get rid of him. As it surely does.
"Arise Failure of rat lab. Awakening the new world, led it to it's new era with me. And we will cherish our own destiny, to the new rise born star, to the great universe waiting in our path. My dear K-257." - Herrscher of Insanity
From battling a group of terminals, to being send to a heavenly plane, to veing send to a world where gods walk the earth with monsters and people who can control elements. Things only seem to get more interesting for Kumagawa Misogi.