The return of the Voyager was a historic event that echoed through the halls of Starfleet and beyond. After seven years of explorations, battles, and sacrifices in the Delta Quadrant, the crew finally set foot on familiar soil, greeted with a reception that would have made the greatest celebrations of the Federation envious. The ship itself, marked by the scars of countless skirmishes and desperate moments, arrived in Earth's orbit as a symbol of resilience. At the heart of it all was Captain Kathryn Janeway, whose indomitable command had led her crew through a journey that would have broken many others. Greeted as a hero, Janeway received accolades for Voyager's return from her entire crew and from the Federation. As the crowning achievement of her career, Janeway was promoted to the rank of Admiral, an honor she accepted with pride, though with a heart weighed down by the knowledge that her life as captain had come to an end.
Chakotay, the former First Officer and former Maquis rebel, found a new vocation as a teacher at the Federation Academy, where he brought with him a unique perspective, the result of his dual experience as a rebel and an officer. Neelix, who had separated from the crew just before their return, decided to remain in the Delta Quadrant, where he continued to work with local populations as an Ambassador.
For Tuvok, the journey back represented an inner challenge. He accepted a prestigious position in the Vulcan High Council. Seven of Nine was welcomed by an aunt. Harry Kim reunited with his parents and learned that his life partner had remarried. Tom Paris introduced B'Elanna, who was expecting, to his father, who was moved, losing his usual emotional rigidity.