11 Phần Đang tiếp diễn In the year 2895, the world stands on the brink of collapse, ravaged by apocalyptic events and infused with arcane science. Skyleen Winters, burdened by her families legacy enrolls at Arcane Science University, seeking for a path to forge her own destiny.
As part of her initiation, Skyleen must undergo a choosing ceremony, a pivotal event where students are assigned to powerful guilds based on their abilities and potential. Tensions rise when Kay, the formidable heir to her family's rival, is assigned as her mentor. His presence is a constant reminder of the deep-seated animosity between their families, a reminder that Skyleen struggles to ignore.
The ceremony, intended to define Skyleen's future, is overshadowed by Kay's unsettling demeanor and the dark aura of his guild. The Dark Science Guild, known for its mastery over arcane technologies and their intimidating attire, casts a long shadow over the proceedings. Their weaponry and mystical symbols hint at the immense power and danger they wield.
As Skyleen navigates her new role under Kay's mentorship, she is caught between her duty to her family and her growing concern over Kay's motives. With each passing day, the lines between rivalry and cooperation blur, forcing Skyleen to confront her own fears and ambitions. The stakes rise as she uncovers hidden agendas and prepares for a confrontation that could alter the fragile balance of their apocalyptic world.
In this clash of magic, technology, and family legacies, Skyleen's journey becomes a fight for survival and self-discovery, setting the stage for a dramatic confrontation that could redefine the fate of their shattered world.