Title: The Wolf's Game
In the dark underbelly of Seattle, Dimitri Volkov, a sadistic and calculating man known as "The Wolf," terrorizes his captives with a twisted game of psychological and physical torment. His latest victims, Keoni Santiago, Dillon Zhang, Alex Santos, and Aaron Woo, are drawn into his sadistic web, trapped in a nightmare where every move could mean the difference between life and death. Bound, gagged, and forced to endure Dimitri's cruel "games," the group must use their wits, willpower, and combat training to survive the endless torment. But as the game unfolds, the line between captor and prey begins to blur, and the true horror of Dimitri's mind games becomes painfully clear.
With each passing moment, the stakes get higher as Dimitri's need for control and power escalates. As the men struggle to stay alive, they must fight not only for their freedom but also to escape the twisted world Dimitri has created. Will they be able to outsmart the Wolf, or will they become mere playthings in his relentless pursuit of dominance? The game is on, and the clock is ticking.
Tagline: Survival isn't just a game; it's a fight for your sanity.