Nicole was a CEO who needed a bodyguard, Gabriel, but when she saw that her bodyguard was a mafia, she fell in love with him, but he didn't want her as a girlfriend, as Gabriel didn't want commitments. Nicole, having Ava as her best friend, moves on with her best advice Nicole knows Pedro and would marry him to make Gabriel to be jealous. Gabriel, however, ends Nicole's marriage in his own way and makes her his once and for all but when Nicole had to leave to go to Germany, Adrian went with her to say goodbye and there Adrian met his great love Blair who was returning from London
Ήξερα ότι η σκιά του με ακολουθούσε παντού.
Ένιωθα τον κίνδυνο να με πλησιάζει, αλλά δεν ήξερα τι πραγματικά σημαίνει κίνδυνος, μέχρι που παγιδεύτηκα στα δίχτυα του αδίστακτου μαφιόζου που έκρυβε τον διάβολο που είχε μέσα του κάτω από ακριβά κουστούμια και πράσινα μάτια.
Βιβλίο 3 | Interconnected Standalone