In a bustling high school in Seoul, two reserved teachers cross paths amidst ringing bells, noisy hallways, and hearts searching for connection. Yoon Ji-eun, the meticulous and kindhearted math teacher, finds joy in numbers but struggles with the unpredictable messiness of life. In contrast, Kang Min-ho, the charming yet guarded English teacher, weaves words like poetry but is afraid to let anyone read into his soul.
When a school project pairs Ji-eun and Min-ho together to guide students for an upcoming competition, their differing approaches collide—logic versus emotion, rules versus creativity. But beneath the surface, both carry silent scars and unspoken dreams. As their quiet interactions turn into shared moments, smiles say what words cannot, and unspoken feelings grow louder than either can ignore.
Amid small kindnesses, gentle glances, and tender vulnerabilities, Ji-eun and Min-ho must ask themselves: Can love really thrive where words fail? Or will the weight of their unspoken pasts keep them apart?
Silent Smiles, Loud Hearts is a poignant and heartwarming story about breaking barriers, finding comfort in quiet companionship, and the power of understanding the language of the heart.
ABHIMANYU RATHORE :- Rude , workaholic CEO of Rathore Empire .Devilesing hot , every girls drools over him .But loves his family to dearest
SAKSHI OBEROI :- Sweet but fierce girl . Loves her family very much can do anything for them . Working in her brother's company as managing head and also a board member
What happens when their marriage get fixed by their families .. will they get love in this unwilling arranged marriage...