"Fading Shadows of Love" is a heartfelt and intense tale of unrequited love, self-discovery, and the complexities of human relationships. Aarav, a 10th-grade student, is hopelessly in love with Arya, a girl from his coaching center who is in 9th grade. Arya, with her cold exterior and sharp words, seems uninterested in Aarav, who has loved her for as long as he can remember. Despite his repeated confessions, she remains unsure of her feelings, calling him a "good person" but refusing to give him the love he craves.
Aarav, however, is determined. He believes that one day Arya will see beyond her walls and realize that he is the one for her. As their lives intertwine in the midst of school pressures, personal dreams, and growing pains, Aarav's journey is one of endless hope, rejection, and the painful pursuit of love. Will Arya ever let her guard down? Can Aarav's love withstand the test of time, or will it fade into the shadows of forgotten dreams? This story explores the delicate balance between persistence and self-respect, and the fine line between love and obsession.
AKASH RATHORE - 27 years old young sunshine boy of family ....COO of Rathore empire ...he didn't have any connection with girls in his whole life....but what will happen when he meets his future doctor wife on his dear bhabhi maa's request
NAINA SHARMA - 25 years old young doctor... specifically a heart surgeon...she is a strict and grumpy girl...never into boys .....but what will happen when she is tied with a sunshine boy...
Dive in to the story of our sunshine boy and our grumpy girl....read to know how he melts the heart of our heart surgeon 😁