After a devastating breakup two years ago, Autumn White, a 24-year-old secretary, has settled into life in Michigan, far, far away from her ex-boyfriend, James Blackwood. Though she's never fully gotten over him, Autumn is determined to move on, finding solace in her best friend and her cat, Poppy. But when she unexpectedly bumps into James at her best friend's wedding, the encounter is nothing short of awkward-neither of them know how to navigate the history between them. Autumn convinces herself that the awkwardness proves their relationship is truly over.
James, now a successful and wealthy businessman at 25, has spent the last two years trying to forget Autumn. He's engaged to a wealthy woman, Elizabeth Walton, and has buried his feelings under the weight of his father's business empire. But when he sees Autumn at the wedding, the old feelings resurface, leaving him torn between the life he's built and the woman he's never quite stopped loving.
Back in Michigan, Autumn's life is thrown into turmoil when she discovers that James' company is taking over the firm she works for, and that she's at risk of losing her job if she fails the upcoming performance review-conducted by none other than James himself. As she works tirelessly to impress him, their paths cross more often, forcing them to confront the unresolved issues of their past. Autumn must decide whether to open her heart to James again, or to finally let go of him for good.
As the review period progresses, old wounds are reopened, and James must confront the truth behind their breakup - the miscommunications, the mistakes, and the fear that has kept him from loving her again. But can they truly overcome their past and find a way forward, or are they doomed to repeat the same mistakes that tore them apart?
AKASH RATHORE - 27 years old young sunshine boy of family ....COO of Rathore empire ...he didn't have any connection with girls in his whole life....but what will happen when he meets his future doctor wife on his dear bhabhi maa's request
NAINA SHARMA - 25 years old young doctor... specifically a heart surgeon...she is a strict and grumpy girl...never into boys .....but what will happen when she is tied with a sunshine boy...
Dive in to the story of our sunshine boy and our grumpy to know how he melts the heart of our heart surgeon 😁