"Destined Hearts: Love Beyond Time" is a heartfelt tale of love, sacrifice, and destiny. Arohi and rajvansh, two ambitious college students, meet by chance and develop a deep bond that blossoms into love. However, realizing that their dreams of becoming a successful entrepreneur and a compassionate doctor demand undivided focus, they make the difficult decision to part ways and dedicate themselves to their goals.
Years later, Arohi and rajvansh achieve everything they once dreamed of, unaware of the twist fate has in store for them. When their parents arrange their marriages, they are stunned to discover that they are being brought together once again.
This emotional journey explores the power of selflessness, the strength of true love, and the idea that what is meant to be will always find its way. With every chapter, Destined Hearts: Love Beyond Time will remind readers that sometimes, love is not about holding on but about letting go-and that destiny always has its own plans.