The story revolves around Aranya Mukherjee, a college student living in a nostalgic world of the 90s, and his unrequited love for his classmate, Tilottama Majumdar, whom he nicknames "Titu." Narrated by a humorous and somewhat self-aware narrator, the tale captures the bittersweet experiences of young love and self-discovery.
Aranya, a quiet and introverted writer, spends his days dreaming of Tilottama, despite her direct rejection of his feelings. Encouraged by his quirky friend Shreyan and inspired by a piece of advice from their neighborhood storyteller, Ghata-da, Aranya writes a heartfelt letter to Tilottama. This act leads to embarrassment and a series of misunderstandings when Tilottama confronts him about the letter.
Through humorous interactions, introspection, and moments of despair, Aranya resolves to abandon creative writing, believing it has only caused him humiliation. However, his feelings for Tilottama remain steadfast. Eventually, Tilottama recognizes Aranya's genuine emotions and confesses her love, leading to a heartwarming climax at their college fest. The story concludes with the blossoming of Aranya and Tilottama's romance and hints at a budding connection between Shreyan and Tilottama's best friend, Maithili.
This lighthearted yet touching tale weaves humor, youthful passion, and the nostalgia of simpler times, making it relatable and endearing.
AKASH RATHORE - 27 years old young sunshine boy of family ....COO of Rathore empire ...he didn't have any connection with girls in his whole life....but what will happen when he meets his future doctor wife on his dear bhabhi maa's request
NAINA SHARMA - 25 years old young doctor... specifically a heart surgeon...she is a strict and grumpy girl...never into boys .....but what will happen when she is tied with a sunshine boy...
Dive in to the story of our sunshine boy and our grumpy to know how he melts the heart of our heart surgeon 😁