In the chaos of high school life, Hyunjin harbors a quiet love for his close friend Felix, a boy with golden hair and freckles like constellations. But Felix's heart seems to beat for someone else-Bang Chan, their charismatic leader and the glue of their tight-knit friend group of eight. As the group navigates a new semester full of laughter, drama, and secrets, unspoken feelings simmer beneath the surface.
With art projects, group tensions, and stolen moments, Hyunjin battles his own insecurities while Felix starts to question his own heart. Meanwhile, another spark ignites between the playful Han and the enigmatic Minho, as their banter turns into something deeper.
Love triangles, unexpected pairings, and heart-wrenching choices define this journey of longing, discovery, and realizing that sometimes, the love you're searching for has been right beside you all along.
Will Hyunjin's quiet devotion be enough to change Felix's heart? Or will their unspoken feelings remain just that-unspoken?
When 15 year Lux is suddenly kidnapped from her home in New York and forced to be the baby of 2 mysterious men, she doesn't know what to do.
Things get even more weird when they introduce her to her 'older brother'. How will Lux adapt to all of this change?