Keziah, ever the obedient daughter, had the life to please her parents, to follow every paths they'd laid out for her. But Matthew, the name itself was a forbidden incantation. He led her far from the path of her family's expectations.
Their love had been a wildfire. It had been a secret, a deliciously forbidden fruit that tasted both sweet and dangerous, and she'd known, even then, that it was wrong.
The time come, her family torn them apart, leaving her stranded on a shore.
Three years. Three years of silence, three years of burying her heart beneath layers of obedience. She had tried to forget, to move on, to become the daughter her parents wanted her to be. But the echo of him has been haunting her like a reminder of the love she had lost.
But he's not Theos Matthew Vendirico for nothing, because for him, the relationship that has been over for three years ago was far from over.