"Juliana's Harmony Constant" is a tale of love, music, and the ties that endure through life's twists and turns. A celebration of friendship, resilience, and the magic of music. Juliana, born into a legendary musical family, dreams of a life full of rhythm, harmony, and meaning. At the heart of her journey is Michael Nesmith, a magnetic and enigmatic musician who has been both her closest confidant and her most complicated challenge.
As Juliana navigates fame, heartbreak, and self-discovery, the power of music and connection weaves through her life, guiding her toward a future she never dared to hope for. With the support of lifelong friends, The Monkees and a love that defies time and distance, Juliana must decide what truly matters in a world that constantly changes.
So, it's been almost 10 years since my last stories I wrote and posted. Life got busy and now I am an empty nester and had a story running around my brain that needed to be written. It made me happy, so I hope it makes you happy too. Any constructive criticism is welcome. I hope you read and enjoy it.