In a universe where parallel worlds collide and heroes are born from the dreams of the masses, three legendary Riders-Decade, Cross, and Diend-stand at the heart of a swirling multiverse sea. Tasked with saving, connecting, or destroying worlds, their paths are anything but simple. Guided by the reluctant Observer, Nozomu Hoshihara, a dog-beastman with the power to reshape reality, they must confront Kaibutsu, unravel the Broker's sinister schemes, and face the legacies of those who came before them.
Will they save this boundless multiverse... or bring it to its knees? The answers lie in the swirl that binds them, a crossing of worlds where life, hope, and destiny hang in the balance.
"What will those eyes see, Observer? And what will you choose?"
Embark on a journey where heroes rise, universes clash, and a single choice can define existence.