In the vast plains of the Pride Lands, a young lioness named Luna struggles to rebuild her life. A survivor of a massacre that wiped out her pride, she is taken in by Simba and Nala, who welcome her as one of their own. Yet, Luna cannot forget her past or the mystery surrounding the tragedy of her family.
During an escapade, Luna encounters an enigmatic cub named Kopa, whose name stirs buried memories and a secret the Pride Lands would rather keep hidden. Kopa, the long-lost firstborn of Simba and Nala, was thought to be dead. But is he truly gone, or is his fate intertwined with Luna's in ways she has yet to discover?
As truths are revealed, Luna is thrust into a journey where the shadows of the past come back to haunt the living. Caught between love, betrayal, and hope, she must decide whether to confront her fears or let the cycle of life repeat itself.
The Heirs is a story of adventure and emotion, a journey into the heart of family bonds, forgotten secrets, and the courage it takes to embrace one's destiny.
- I am French, so please excuse any mistakes in my English. Thank you!
Y/N, a simple woman, joins the deadly games to pay off debts after her mother's death. Young-Il, a heartless soul, controls the games, watching everything from afar while sipping on his glass of whisky.
But this year is different. When he spots Y/N, number 160, during the game of "Red Light, Green Light," he can't help but grow more obsessed with her.
The first game ends, and Young-Il decides it's time to join the games himself, meet her, and make her his forever. Not that he will allow anyone else to even look at her
But will Y/N really trust him?