Apollo Helios Silversworth and Artemis Selene Silversworth, twins living in mortal world, harbor a devastating secret: the unsolved murder of their parents. Their quest for vengeance remains dormant until fate intervenes in the form of the Alphas - elite students at Elemental Academy, a haven for royals and individuals with extraordinary abilities. The Alphas, on a mission to recruit hidden elementalists from the mortal realm back to their kingdom, discover the twins' own elemental powers, shattering their mundane existence. Now thrust into a world of magic and power, Helios and Selene must confront the truth behind their parents' deaths, a truth they suspect lies with the Royals of the Elemental Kingdom. Their journey will be fraught with peril, forcing them to navigate treacherous alliances, uncover shocking betrayals, and confront the very definition of justice. Along the way, they'll encounter unexpected love, face difficult truths, and unravel intricate webs of lies, all while battling powerful adversaries who will stop at nothing to protect their secrets. Will the twins find the vengeance they crave, or will the price of truth be far greater than they ever imagined?All Rights Reserved
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