Eleanor "Ellie" Whitmore, a sheltered industrialist's daughter in the early 1940s, seeks refuge from the endless expectations placed upon her at her father's estate party. In the library, she meets Klaus Reinhardt, a mysterious foreigner. After accepting a drink from him, Ellie wakes up in a lavish but unfamiliar room, realizing she's been abducted.
He reveals himself as a German intelligence officer, claiming that her father, William Whitmore, has been secretly aiding the Allies by providing critical war materials under the guise of neutrality. Yet, his true intentions remain unclear. As Ellie pretends to play along to learn Klaus's secrets, she stumbles upon cryptic documents that hint at a darker, more dangerous plot-making her question whether her father is as innocent as she believed.
When Ellie escapes, her brief freedom leads to more questions and greater danger as Klaus's men pursue her. Caught in a web of deception, Ellie must outsmart Klaus, uncover the truth about her father, and decide whom to trust before it's too late.
Two dollars and eighty six cents was all it took for you to fall for Luigi Mangione.
But now, it's been four months since you'd last seen him.
And you'd pay a million times that to have him back.
~For legal purposes, this is FICTION and anything that is similar or the same as real life is purely coincidental~