In Chasing Ara, the story shifts to college, where Ara and Soo-Woo are thrown into a new world of independence, challenges, and self-discovery. Ara is ready to pursue her dreams of becoming a professional artist, but the pressure of living up to expectations-and her own doubts-threatens to hold her back. Soo-Woo, ever the lighthearted charmer, is adjusting to a rigorous pre-law program while trying to figure out what he really wants for his future.
Their playful banter and easy friendship take a complicated turn as feelings deepen, but neither is willing to risk the bond they've built. When Hak-Kun, Keoni, and Daehyun re-enter their lives, each grappling with their own post-high school challenges, Ara and Soo-Woo find their group tighter-and messier-than ever.
Set against the backdrop of campus parties, academic struggles, and the thrill of young adulthood, Chasing Ara explores love, ambition, and the sometimes bumpy road to growing up. Will Ara and Soo-Woo finally confront their feelings, or will their fears keep them apart?