Title: Her Royal Court
In the bustling city of Bangkok lies Starlight Academy, an elite high school for the wealthiest and most powerful families in Thailand. The academy is ruled by a group of four boys, collectively known as "The Royals." These boys-Chai, Pran, Thanom, and their enigmatic leader, Tawan-are untouchable, feared, and adored by everyone. They hold the fate of the school in their hands.
Enter Kanya, a bright, headstrong girl from a small rural town who earns a scholarship to attend Starlight Academy. She's determined to stay under the radar and focus on her studies, but her fiery spirit clashes with The Royals almost immediately. Kanya refuses to back down from their bullying, especially Tawan's cold and calculating mind games.
What no one expects is the hidden truth: Kanya isn't attracted to boys at all. She struggles with her identity while navigating the school's oppressive hierarchy. Yet, despite herself, she's drawn to Tawan-not in romance, but in fascination. His world of power and privilege is so different from her own, and his hidden vulnerabilities intrigue her.
But as Kanya learns more about The Royals, she begins to unravel secrets that could destroy their reign. In a surprising twist, she finds herself falling for a kind, mysterious girl from the school's art department, someone who teaches her what true love and courage mean.
•Fighting against elitism and bullying
•Self-discovery and embracing one's identity
•The duality of power and vulnerability
•Friendship and loyalty
Main Characters:
Kanya: The bold and determined protagonist who won't let The Royals intimidate her.
Tawan: The leader of The Royals, whose tough exterior hides a lonely heart.
Lila: The talented, artistic girl who helps Kanya navigate her emotions and identity.
Chai, Pran, and Thanom: The other members of The Royals, each with their own personalities and struggles.
Cameron Cole has a plan.
After yet another relationship ends because of certain shortcomings-literally-Cameron decides it's time to swear off dating and focus her energy into her junior year at the University of Charlotte. There's an internship up for grabs and there's no way she's letting that slip through her fingers. But then she's goes and makes one impulsive mistake that changes everything.
Wesley Reed has it all.
As the golden boy of the Charlotte Colts football team, he's got the talent, the looks, and a future so bright it's practically blinding. Girls throw themselves at him, professors let things slide, and the world bends to his will.
But when a required freshmen paper threatens his eligibility, the two are brought together in a sick twist of academic fate. Cameron can't get him out of her head and Wesley isn't making it any easier with his cocky smirk and insistent charm. Their arrangement teeters on the edge of disaster as unresolved tension and late-night study sessions give way to a steamy, no-strings-attached deal.
But in the game of love and lust, someone always has to loose-and the stakes have never been higher.