Miyuki Himekawa, the Spirit of Frost and Dominion, has lived her life ruled by a cold, unyielding desire for control. With powers that can freeze not only the world around her but the very will of those who oppose her, she believes herself to be the true ruler of all-an unstoppable force in a world of chaos. But when her reign is threatened by unexpected alliances, the rise of powerful opponents, and a fragile connection to a world she once viewed as beneath her, Miyuki must confront her own emotions, fears, and the very idea of what it means to truly rule. In the harsh, unrelenting cold of her domain, will she preserve her supremacy, or will the frost begin to thaw?
After Hu Tao had just lost the most important person in her life, she becomes a shell of who she used to be. What will she do after the person she cared so much for has left this world?
Takes place after the events of chapter 31 in Obahar_'s book "Hu Tao x Reader - A Morbid Curiosity"
Chapters 1-4 have been reworked as of April 4, 2023