In the turbulent world of Westeros, where allegiances shift like the sands of the Dorne shores, a new contender emerges: Lyanna Baratheon, the daughter of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister. With her mother's striking beauty and her father's fiery temper and unwavering honor, Lyanna finds herself at a crossroads when the truth about her lineage is revealed. Torn between the ruthless ambitions of her Baratheon and Lannister heritage and the noble values of the Starks, she must make a choice that will alter the course of her destiny. Known as the Golden Stag, Lyanna possesses a heart as warm as the sun, especially toward the innocent and vulnerable. In her journey, she discovers the power of kindness and the strength of loyalty, ultimately choosing to embrace the Stark legacy over her birthright. As she stands alongside Robb Stark, she learns that true honor lies not in bloodlines, but in the courage to fight for what is right.
"She possesses her mother's radiant beauty, shimmering like the sun, yet carries within her the unwavering honor of her father. With a heart forged in resilience and the resolve to navigate the treacherous waters of the Game of Thrones, she is ready to carve her own destiny amidst the chaos of power and betrayal."
Game of thrones s1-?
Robb Stark X Oc