as he pulled the switch, the Tri-core fission engine engaged. his orders are to go back. through time , space, and travel to the deep past, where historical records have been changed. the compassion and observation are all that matter. meaning of life, is to observe learn, and report back find what made the world the way it it find why humanity grew so large and population collapsed l. why dlwas Earth prime the only planet to harbour life. to discover the truth of why existence is.
and why it is impossible for instances of divergence and propergation dwell in the mutations of the only earth to harbour life. earth prime out of all earths was the only one to emerge into life sustaining. to habe compassion one must have understood deep emotions. but first before we ca. understand why, what, and who and how. one must study the universe and see the unexplainable.
what is an extraterrestrial. why do we think that they are from out there, in the universe. is there life in other universes, or is this plain the only one to harbour the right stiff to create the mitosis and mutations needed to exist. meaning what is meaning, is it life dose it mean or is it meaning that makes us, us. are we eventually going to be Greys, or are they modifying us to become them. there are many questions still left unanswered. but ine thing is for fear hate, and indifference might be the best of us. might end our very rare existence, while everyone is entitled to believe in what they wish, how far it will devide us, and whether we will let the universe continue in chaos? or can we subdued the fear we all feel in being different from one another. and hold tight the emotional pain to becime somthing new, somthing diffrent.
jayrod stood there believing that death is but a human construct. no longer can humanity have continuity. he closed his eyes as the past present and future combined the pod he was placed in and started glowing. his past was there, right? the 144, Zeta Reticuli Futures.
★ Tyler pov
• Come on darlin, nobody's around. A peek wouldn't hurt, would it?
• Aaah a cat!
• Taylor stay away from the psycho!
• Close the gate, close the gate!!
★ Y/n pov
• Tyler u dumbass! Don't say that in public!
• Awww a kitty!
• Don't talk about my ice cream like that!
• Hah, pathetic as usual.
♦ the original story is from red on webtoon ,go check the story it's pretty cool ♦
♦ plus this Wattpad is my first, it may be bad as hell or good but I don't expect much cuz it's also my first time writing anything like this ♦