Yunho, a brilliant inventor from the multiverse city of Genesis, lives in a world where humans wield extraordinary powers. But when his groundbreaking machine malfunctions, he is thrust into a parallel reality-a version of his world where superpowers don't exist, and he is the sole anomaly.
Determined to stay unnoticed, Yunho hides his abilities and enrolls in university, quietly working to recreate his machine and return home. However, his attempts at anonymity are short-lived when Mingi, a lively and perceptive classmate, starts noticing Yunho's peculiarities. Mingi's easy charm and keen intuition unravel Yunho's secrets, putting them both at risk.
As Mingi grapples with the truth, he faces a dilemma: Should he protect Yunho, expose him, or let him go? Their unlikely connection deepens, but the stakes rise when Yunho's machine is finally complete. Caught between two worlds, Yunho realizes he can't bear to leave Mingi behind.
In a forbidden love that defies the laws of the multiverse, Yunho and Mingi must decide: Who will sacrifice their world for the other? And will love be enough to bridge the divide between their vastly different realities?