In a world where every human is born with a unique power, Kaito Hayashi is the exception-powerless, overlooked, and constantly reminded of his place at the bottom. At Aokigahara High School, where abilities define status and worth, Kaito hides in the shadows, trying to escape the cruel whispers of his peers. His only solace comes from books, where heroes rise through courage, not power.
But when Takumi Shirogane, the school's arrogant bully with the ability to control wind, targets Kaito, things take a turn. Amid the ridicule and isolation, Aya Nakamura, a powerful and popular student, steps in to defend him. Her kindness is a lifeline in a world that seems determined to break him, but Kaito can't shake the feeling that he doesn't belong in her world of strength and power.
As the cracks in his world begin to show, Kaito is forced to confront the painful truth: in a society that values power above all else, what does it mean to be powerless? And will Aya's friendship-and perhaps something more-be enough to guide him through the darkness that threatens to consume him?
A story of friendship, bullying, and discovering strength beyond power.