23 parts Ongoing The narrative unfolds with a powerful scene as Nandini delivers a punch to Manik, setting the stage for a tale of conflict and intrigue. The plot takes an unexpected turn when it's revealed that Nandini is Manik's bua's daughter, introducing familial complexities into the story. Adding to the intricate web of relationships, Navya is disclosed to be both Manik's chachu's daughter and his baby sister, amplifying the emotional stakes.
The central premise revolves around Nandini and Navya coming to Space with a shared mission - to seek revenge for the murders of their respective parents and the harm inflicted upon their families. The intriguing twist emerges as the killers are unveiled to be Harshad and Aliya, introducing a layer of suspense and moral dilemma. The story explores the intricate dynamics as the characters navigate loyalty, justice, and personal vendettas.
The narrative tension reaches its peak when the question arises: who will Manik choose to support - his own family members or Aliya, the individual responsible for the suffering inflicted upon his loved ones? This dilemma sets the stage for a gripping and emotionally charged storyline, promising further twists and turns as alliances are tested and loyalties are torn between conflicting emotions and familial ties.