In the far future, Humanity disregards all nukes and hatred to form a massive Planetary Society.
Humanity becomes a type 1 civilization, with a strong population of 945 billion across all celestial bodies that they have terraformed.
(Titan, Enceladus, Mimas, Dione, Iapetus, Tethys, Ganymede, Callisto, Io, Europa, the moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury, & Pluto)
But they started running out of space quite quickly, then, Mars gained independence from the Planetary Society and declared war on all of Planetary Society, wiping out Mercury, Titan, and parts of Venus completely.
The space force was made to fight back against the Martians, and a Planetary war commenced in the solar system, the very first of humanity, ever.
MC(s) - Kira Nova (20, Female) Connor Pinckly (34, Male) Planetary Society
SC(s) - General Juniper, Martian Federation,