Scorn follows Wade Santos, a mild-mannered teenager from Quezon City who finds himself spiraling after betraying his girlfriend, Gwen Sanchez, with another woman. Overcome by guilt and regret, his world unravels when a devastating fire at his school claims his life. However, instead of finding peace, Wade descends to Hell, where he strikes a dark bargain with Rastopheles, the ruler of the ninth circle. Resurrected as a hellspawn known as Scorn, Wade is imbued with powerful abilities, including immortality and the ability to manipulate time.
Tasked with killing the innocent to fuel Rastopheles' reign, Wade rejects his assignment and chooses to hunt down the wicked instead. Yet, his memories of Gwen are erased by Rastopheles, leaving him with only her name. Driven by a desire to reunite with her, Wade embarks on a dangerous journey to uncover the truth about his past and reclaim what was lost. Along the way, he discovers Gwen has moved on, married his friend Francis Castro, and had a child-Andrew.
Torn between his humanity and his new demonic nature, Scorn must navigate a world of darkness, betrayal, and vengeance, while struggling to hold onto the faint hope of redemption and love. But as the lines between right and wrong blur, Scorn must decide if he will save the world or become the monster he was meant to be.
Looking up, Leo zeroes in on the claw nearest his throat, curling around the edge of his chest plate and resting against the boy's chest. It is then that he realizes there is nothing in the world he can do to save his own life.
If the dragon prince decides to kill him, then it shall be.
Squeezing his eyes shut, Leo turns his head away from the dragon, his desperation melting away into a mix of terror and shock. He will die, and that will be the end. The look of disappointment in Cecil's eyes will be cemented. Leo will have lost his life to a dragon prince, simply because he was too cowardly to take a killing shot.
There is nothing he can do. Absolutely nothing.
Nothing but lie down and await death.
I will be updating as often as possible. I'm shooting for once a week, but life is unpredictable.