Instagram Viral Reel: A Love Story
"Instagram Viral Reel" is a heartwarming romantic tale that begins with an unexpected encounter on social media. Sonali, a young content creator, posts a reel that catches the attention of thousands, including Rohan, a supportive and creative stranger. Their connection sparks a series of messages, leading to a blossoming friendship based on mutual respect, encouragement, and shared dreams.
As their bond deepens, Sonali and Rohan collaborate on a video project that goes viral, marking the beginning of their professional success together. However, amidst their growing connection, both start to feel more than just friendship. With subtle hesitations and quiet confessions, they navigate their emotions, trying to understand the deeper feelings stirring between them.
Their journey takes them through sweet moments of realization, phone calls, and an unforgettable first date. Through every step, they balance their friendship with the blossoming romantic connection, all while continuing to support each other's dreams. As their relationship strengthens, they learn that love, much like social media fame, requires patience, trust, and understanding.
"Instagram Viral Reel" is a modern love story that explores the possibilities of digital connections and the magic of finding something real in a world of virtual interactions. The novel captures the journey of turning an online friendship into a lasting romance, showing that sometimes, the best things in life come from the most unexpected places.
Diana is an 18 year old girl about to start her senior year until she bumps into a woman at the bookstore who has quite the personality. The woman takes the book Diana had her eye on.
Diana's senior year soon becomes one she would have never expected when the book thief and her meet again.
This is not edited so it might be a little messy and it is not a slow burn!!!
Story includes:
-mention of abuse
^Do not read if you are disturbed with these!!