Heart's Silence follows the intertwined lives of Princess and Tommy, whose love was shattered by the loss of their child. Separated by fate and haunted by grief, they each pursued their own paths, only to be pulled back together by the threads of fate. Princess, now a renowned investigator of celebrity scandals, thrives in the chaos of the public eye, while Tommy remains distant, his success measured by his distance from the spotlight. Despite their separation, their love endures, tested but never fully extinguished.
When they discover their lost son, the long-buried pain resurfaces, forcing them to confront their past and the life they thought they had lost. As they navigate the complexities of love, betrayal, and celebrity life, the lines between truth and fiction blur. With the world watching every move, they must rediscover the connection that once brought them together, while seeking answers that may forever alter their lives. Will they find redemption, or is their story destined to remain a silent, painful memory?
"Stop trying to act like my fiancée because I don't give a damn about you!" His words echoed through the room breaking my remaining hopes
- Alizeh (The badass girl) gets tied in an arranged marriage to Zain (The reserved one) but he makes it very clear he wants nothing to do with her while she can't help falling for him.
Alizeh X Zain :
•Arranged Marriage
• Forced Proximity
• Grumpy X Sunshine
"Go die!" I shouted
"Dying for you is very easy Meri Jaan. I want to live, for you, with you. But if I ever have to live without you again I WILL die." He replied like he meant every word of it.
- Dua (the heartbroken girl) comes across Azaan (the playboy) who broke her years ago. Now that they meet again he is determined to get her back but she isn't ready to give him another chance but a truth from the past crushes all their chances.
Dua X Azaan
• Second Chance
• Soulmates
• Forbidden Love
"That rich brat-!" I was complaining to my friend when a voice interrupted me from behind
"Yes, sweetheart" it was that rich brat winking at me.
-Noor (the good girl) meets her perfect match Ahaan (the bad boy) who challenges her in everything. He doesn't care about anyone except her but she cares about everyone except him.
Noor X Ahaan
• Enemies to lovers
• Fake Dating
• Good girl X Bad boy
"We are nothing to each other" I said
"Yes we are, you're my future girlfriend" he replied flashing his brightest smile.
-Shayra (The grumpy sarcastic one) comes across Kabir (The golden retriever). He is the one who can bring light to her darkness. He falls for her but she only pretends to fall.
Shayra X Kabir
•Reverse Grumpy X Sunshine
• Love at First Sight
* Office Romance
The four best friends ( Alizeh, Dua, Noor and Shayra ) meet up after five years at a former classmate's wedding but this wedding turns out to be a life changer for all of them as they come across the Aziz brothers.