Along the shores of France, a clandestine institution known as the Secret Academy Legacy thrives. Within its hallowed halls, a unique assemblage of beings reside-both human and otherworldly-each possessing extraordinary powers and abilities, collectively referred to as Witches and Witchcraft. This enigmatic society is divided into two distinct factions: the benevolent and the malevolent. A palpable tension permeates the air, fueled by a potent mixture of love, avarice for power, and an all-consuming jealousy that has ignited a bitter conflict. This struggle has resulted in the tragic demise of Mr. Daemon Lysander and his half-brother, Silvanus Marquis. The ramifications of their clash have been devastating, leaving a trail of devastation and a lingering sense of animosity. As the ashes of Silvanus Marquis dissipated, a terrifying curse was uttered: "The child born to your wife shall endure unimaginable hardship; I shall bear witness to his growth, and he shall become a mirror of my soul. Remember this, I shall return, I SHALL RETURN TO CONQUER THE ENTIRE WORLD..."The ashes coalesced and took flight, as if guided by an unseen force. They descended upon a solitary woman, who stood within the hollow of a tree. A blinding light engulfed her, lifting her into the void, a piercing cry escaping her as the souls, in the form of ashes, were absorbed into her womb. Her body, now devoid of life, crashed to the earth. Since that fateful day, the tale of the eternal struggle between good and evil has become a legend, whispered among the remnants of the Witches and Witchcraft. The malevolent forces have vanished, leaving behind an eerie silence in their wake.
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A villainess known by all as a wicked woman who has done all sorts of evil deeds-Ducal Lady Violet. She regained her memories of her previous life after she fell into a lake and almost died.
The very moment she woke up, she immediately visited her father, Duke Everett, and asked one thing.
"Please confine me to the annex."And so, she imprisoned herself there.
Now that Violet was secluded away from the world's criticism and reproach, She immersed herself in her previous life's memories and started painting them.
"What the hell are you up to this time?". Everyone was suspicious of just what she might be scheming.
However, the misunderstandings surrounding her gradually got resolved one at a time.
This story is not mine.
Credits to the rightful owner & sources.