In the kingdom of "Oryn," where noble wolves reside in towering castles, Eilara is born into a noble family but is labeled a "runt" due to her flawed heart. Struggling with loneliness and discrimination in a society that values strength and endurance, Eilara yearns for acceptance. As the "Queen Trials" approach to select a bride for the cruel yet enigmatic Prince Kael, Eilara hopes for a chance to compete. Instead, her mother reveals that she will serve as a maid in the prince's palace.
As Eilara navigates the tense atmosphere of the palace, she uncovers dark secrets and mysterious attacks targeting the contestants, igniting a sense of urgency within her. With the help of her new friend, Serin, Eilara embarks on a quest for truth, gathering evidence and unraveling the palace's hidden dangers. Meanwhile, Prince Kael begins to take notice of Eilara, stirring conflicting emotions within her as she grapples with her feelings for him.
As the story unfolds, Eilara faces critical decisions that will shape her destiny. Will she continue to seek the truth, or will fear hold her back? As she delves deeper into the palace's mysteries, she discovers that dark forces threaten the kingdom, intertwining her fate with that of Prince Kael.
The climax of the story sees Eilara in peril, forcing Prince Kael to choose between his royal duties and his desire to protect her. In the end, Eilara must decide whether to follow her heart and embrace a new adventure or remain in the shadows, afraid to confront her destiny.
Join Eilara on her epic journey filled with love, courage, and self-discovery in "Legend of the Wolf's Heart: The Journey of Eilara."
Will Eilara change her fate and that of the kingdom?