The Case of Me is a contemporary coming-of-age drama that follows Layla, a talented but underappreciated law student at Yale, as she navigates the challenges of an intense academic environment and the emotional toll of a toxic rivalry with her classmate, Anabia Khan. Anabia, a confident and privileged Pakistani Muslim woman, quickly becomes the standard of success at Yale, overshadowing Layla with her charm, status, and connections. As Anabia subtly bullies Layla, questioning her place at Yale and belittling her background, Layla struggles with self-doubt and imposter syndrome.
Supporting Layla through these challenges is her best friend, Zara. Zara is her anchor, offering unwavering emotional support and helping her navigate the pressures of law school and the cruelty of Anabia's behavior. Their friendship becomes a source of strength for Layla, reminding her that she is not alone in this battle and that her worth is not tied to the approval of others.
Determined to prove herself, Layla works tirelessly to outperform Anabia, not just for her own success but also to honor her family's sacrifices and the values of her faith. The rivalry intensifies as both students vie for a prestigious internship, culminating in a high-stakes moment where Layla must prove her worth. Ultimately, Layla learns that her success is not defined by defeating Anabia, but by staying true to her own integrity, resilience, and beliefs.
Themes of rivalry, growth, cultural expectations, and friendship shape Layla's journey, highlighting the emotional and spiritual challenges of navigating a competitive academic world while staying grounded in one's identity and values. The Case of Me is a poignant story of overcoming adversity, finding inner strength, and redefining success, with the support of friends who help us discover our true selves.
Book-1 of Costello series.
Valentina is a free spirited bubbly girl who can sometimes be very annoyingly kind and sometimes just.. annoying. She has lived in Texas as long as she can remember with her mother with no knowledge of her rest of her family.
Suddenly her life takes a huge turn. Loved ones are lost and sudden revelations are made. She is not very good at dealing with changes.
Well let's just say she is in for a huge surprise when she finds out about her father and the fact that she has six brothers.
Yeah that's gonna be fun :)
Yup this is another older brother/ mafia family story. Enjoy!
Best rankings:
#1 in siblings
#1 in Big brothers
#1 in American mafia
#1 in Costello
#1 in cousin
#1 in lost Princess
#2 in mafia brothers
#2 in lost daughter
#3 in badass
#3 in family secrets
#4 in older brother
#5 in sarcasm
#4 in sister
#4 in reunited