In the aftermath of the Fourth Great Ninja War, Naruto Uzumaki finds himself in an empty, desolate world. After the defeat of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, the moon goddess, a final curse wipes out all life on Earth, leaving Naruto and Sasuke as the only survivors. For years, they attempt to undo the devastation through a time-traveling jutsu, but every effort fails. When Sasuke sacrifices himself, transferring his chakra to Naruto, the young ninja is granted the power to ascend to the Sage of Six Paths. With this newfound strength, Naruto seeks a way to restore the world but instead is ripped from his own dimension and cast into the Dimensional Gap-a vast, empty void. Alone and adrift in a reality that stretches beyond time and space, Naruto is forced to confront his own grief and the crushing loneliness of a world without those he loved. As he battles despair, a flicker of unfamiliar energy draws him forward, signaling the first hint of something-someone-that could give him purpose once more.
Mikhaela Janna Lim, daughter of a renowned business tycoon, craves a normal life away from the spotlight. She even persuades her famous friends to pretend they don't know her, all for the sake of solitude.
But when her path crosses with Maraiah Queen Arceta-a social butterfly, soft talker, and academic achiever adored by many-everything changes.
Will Mikhaela cling to her quiet sanctuary as an anonymous introvert, or transform herself to win Maraiah's heart?