After a mysterious shuttle crashes into the Pacific Ocean near Kauai Island, an enigmatic young man emerges, harboring extraordinary abilities tied to the sea. Unknown to the world, he is a hybrid creation-part human, part Leviathan-engineered by an ancient alien race to protect ecosystems. Stranded on Earth, he adapts to life on Kauai, finding solace with a new family, including a spirited young girl and her chaotic alien companion.
The corporation responsible for his arrival on Earth, Alterra, begins expanding its operations into Earth's oceans, bringing with it the dangers of their greed and recklessness. Their experiments awaken a deadly bacterium, Kharaa, which begins to spread, mutating marine life into monstrous hybrids. This forces the young man to take action, using his immense abilities to protect the ocean while maintaining a delicate balance of secrecy.
Union and this boy uncover the unfolding crisis and form uneasy alliances, each bringing unique strengths to the battle. As the infection spreads and villains seize the opportunity to escalate chaos, the young man must decide whether to fully reveal his powers, risking exposure and pursuit by Alterra.
Through battles against mutated creatures, tense confrontations with villains, and the race to stop Kharaa's spread, the young man struggles to reconcile his dual existence as a protector and an outsider. With the fate of both the ocean and humanity at stake, he must embrace his role as a guardian, confronting not only Alterra but also the deeper mysteries of his creation.
I do know own the pictures, videos, songs, GIFs and some characters in this story, they belong to their original owners
I do not any of series, animes or games used in this story, they belong to their original owners
Warning: 18+, sexual content, blood, gore and extreme violence, plus mentions of alcohol and drug abuse, also mentions of suicide