Karina, a typical 17-year-old high school student, lived an ordinary life amidst cliques, homework and friendships. That was until Winter enrolled, shattering the monotony. Her dark-raven hair cascaded like silk, radiant in sunlight, while her hazel eyes gleamed with charismatic intensity, exuding perfection.
# A Charming Facade
Beneath Winter's captivating smile and poised demeanor lurked a sinister secret: she was the infamous "Raven Killer," leaving a trail of bloodless victims in her wake. Her calculated charm and beauty had Karina entranced.
Karina found herself helplessly drawn to Winter's enigmatic presence, her heart skipping beats whenever their paths crossed. Winter's gaze seemed to hold a mysterious allure, as if she knew Karina's deepest secrets. Unaware of Winter's true nature, Karina's crush blossomed.
(Unhealthy obsession)
Winter, too, had taken notice. Her fascination with Karina ignited an unholy fire. She became fixated, obsessively monitoring Karina's every move. Her journal filled with Karina's photos, notes, and macabre sketches.
(Sinister coninsidences)
Karina started noticing disturbing patterns. Classmates who interacted with her would vanish
Will karina find out Winters disturbing her secret? Or will she keep falling In love with her and make winter even more obsessed with her