9 parts Ongoing MatureIn the vibrant city of Kolkata, five young friends-Ulfat, Suhaani, Aashiya, Shafak, and Aarti-share an unbreakable bond. Their lives intertwined with love, heartbreak, and personal growth as they navigate the challenges of young love.
• Ulfat X Mustaque: A cousinly love story, complicated by societal norms and a misguided attempt at sacrifice.
• Shafak X Ahmed: A tale of mistaken identity, hidden feelings, and the power of destiny.
• Aashiya X Aamil: A clash of beliefs and a journey of self-discovery, as they learn to bridge the gap between faith and reason.
• Suhaani X Roshan: A toxic relationship marked by possessiveness and control.
• Aarti X Kabir: A silent love story, tested by fate and the fear of loss.
As these couples face their own unique struggles, they realize that love is not always perfect. It's about understanding, compromise, and unwavering support. Through their shared experiences, they learn to embrace their imperfections and find strength in their vulnerabilities.