The story follows Aura N. Mugen, a high school boy with a difficult life, enduring both bullying and the daily challenges of high school. In the beginning, the narrative shows a glimpse of Aura as a powerful figure in a cosmic battle, waging a solo war against an endless army of mythical monsters. However, the story then rewinds to reveal a younger Aura who hasn't yet gained this power.
Aura is constantly bullied because of his friendship with Neya, a brilliant and beautiful classmate who is often harsh toward him, though she cares about his well-being. One day, while being beaten by the bullies, Aura is approached by Sid, a mysterious transfer student who offers him power to defend himself and his friends. Sid, who possesses unique abilities to manipulate time, challenges Aura to stand and fight despite his weakness. In doing so, Aura displays unyielding determination, eventually defeating his tormentors one by one with Sid's encouragement.
After the confrontation, Sid takes Aura to her home, where she promises to give him power beyond imagination. The story hints that Aura's journey to become a god-like figure is just beginning, blending elements of fantasy, power struggles, and character transformation against a backdrop of high school challenges.