In a small town where social classes divide high school halls, Aaron, a rebellious musician with tattoos and a troubled home life, unexpectedly collides with Hannah, the picture-perfect cheer captain with a seemingly flawless reputation. What starts as a contentious pairing in science class evolves into a compelling journey of self-discovery, trust, and connection.
As Aaron and Hannah are drawn into each other's worlds, they uncover the cracks beneath their polished exteriors. For Hannah, it's the pressure of being the daughter of an overbearing, perfectionist mother. For Aaron, it's the weight of a dysfunctional family and the constant pull to escape through music. Their growing bond sparks anger in Hannah's possessive ex-boyfriend, Matt, whose violent tendencies threaten to destroy everything.
When Matt's jealousy erupts into an assault that leaves Aaron hospitalized, Hannah must confront her feelings, her fears, and her mother's disapproval to stand by Aaron's side. Together, they navigate the consequences of their choices, finding solace in each other as they plan for futures far beyond the confines of their small town.
Nikita Joshi:
A 20 year old 3rd year CS student studying at University of Bournbrooke, India. She's transferred here due to her merits and does not wish to get distracted by anything.
Mayukh Roy:
A 21 year old 3rd year CS student. Topper, extremely smart and a heartthrob in the university. The grandson of the founder of the University, he's got the power and money. Love, when it hits, hits him hard, but he doesn't believe it's something for him.
But then, his eyes meet hers.
When he sees her, his eyes are fixed on her, and he always gets what he wants.
But her, her determination is loud. When she decides, it's done. What will happen when two determined people collide?
Can Mayukh make her his? Or does Nikita's determination to stay away from guys win?
Rich Boy x Middle Class Girl
Topper x Topper
Popular Boy x Quiet Girl
Possessive ML
Touch her and die
College Romance
Cute and Cliché
🏅#1 in India
🏅#4 in College
🏅 #2 in loveatfirstsight