Janaki, a heartbroken and determined young mother, is traveling on a night bus through the eerie Ranmaya forest, carrying her infant in search of a better life. The forest, infamous for its legends of a vengeful spirit named Ranmaya, becomes the setting of her nightmare when she decides to step off the bus despite warnings from the driver.
As she ventures into the dense forest, strange occurrences and haunting voices confront her, testing her courage and resolve. The spirit of Ranmaya appears, luring her into the heart of the forest, claiming it as her domain. Desperate to protect her child, Janaki faces fear, supernatural dangers, and her inner struggles, only to encounter a mysterious man who offers her shelter and guidance.
Together, they navigate the sinister forest, uncovering its secrets and Janaki's hidden strength. But as the story unfolds, Ranmaya's true intentions and the connection between the forest and Janaki's destiny are revealed, leaving her to decide whether to escape or embrace the challenges that lie ahead.
The story is an emotional journey of survival, courage, and self-discovery, blending supernatural horror, suspense, and heartwarming moments of hope.